Send e-mail
1. Select your mailbox and Options > Create email.
2. In the To field, enter the recipient's e-mail address. If the
recipient's e-mail address can be found in Contacts, start
entering the recipient's name, and select the recipient
from the proposed matches. If you add several recipients,
insert ; to separate the e-mail addresses. Use the Cc field
to send a copy to other recipients, or the Bcc field to send
a blind copy to recipients. If the Bcc field is not visible,
select Options > More > Show Bcc field.
3. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the e-mail.
4. Enter your message in the text area.
5. Select Options and from the following:
● Add attachment — Add an attachment to the
● Priority — Set the priority of the message.
● Flag — Flag the message for follow-up.
● Insert template — Insert text from a template.
● Add recipient — Add recipients to the message from
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● Editing options — Cut, copy, or paste the selected
● Input options — Activate or deactivate predictive text
input, or select the writing language.
6. Select Options > Send.